
3D measurement of stairs and positions on the structure for spider supports for glass

Short presentation of the project

So far, we have shown you several 3D space measurement projects that we performed for stair builders, and below we would like to highlight another such interesting project.

Namely, for the client Ambientalni Dekor j.d.o.o., who was assembling the stairs, we used our Flexijet to measure the positions on the structure for spider supports for a glass fence weighing approx. 400 kg.

Based on the measurement of the positions of the supports and stairs, our long-term partner – the company Articus d.o.o. drafted glass segments with exact positions for CNC machining of holes for spider supports.

This project is an ideal example of how the cooperation of several different companies can produce a great and unmistakable result – all thanks to the precise technology made possible by Flexijet.

We received perfectly accurate data on angles, heights and curves. We avoided additional costs of materials needed for cutting templates and construction equipment such as ladders, scaffolding, laser levels and other tools. We only used a laptop and a Flexijet device.

Project participants

Articus d.o.o., Dolac 1,
10000 Zagreb
OIB: 91823948143, [email protected],
+385 98 795 208
Studio Element d.o.o.,
Dolac 1, Zagreb, Hrvatska
[email protected]

Measurement: Edo Aganović (Studio Element d.o.o.), Josip Hruškar (Articus d.o.o.)



Flexijet measurement

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Final result


Do you have space that needs to be measured?

Whether you have a more or less complicated space that needs quality measurement, or you want to be able to measure your clients’ spaces independently – we can offer you a whole range of services:

a) you can contract a 3D measurement service with us,
b) we can also offer you the service of designing furniture, technical preparation for
production, creating programs for CNC machines,
c) you can also buy a Flexijet device from us – with all its software and hardware accessories.

We invite you to contact us for more details about our service and products – we will be
happy to provide you with all the necessary answers.