
Projection of CAD points for assistance in installation of LED-illuminated glass mosaic in Dubai

Short project presentation:

As part of this project, the Flexijet 3D “Show CAD point” feature was used for precise anchoring of stainless steel panels that serve as supports for illuminated glass decorations.

In order to mark drilling points on the construction site, the Flexijet 3D laser measuring system was used to accurately project 14,000 points from CAD drawings onto the ground.

Thanks to the Flexijet 3D projection function, accurate marking of all assembly points was completed in less than 30 hours.

Considering the scope and precision of this project, conventional methods would have meant significantly longer working hours.

Here, we showcase the time and financial savings that the utilization of the Flexijet 3D measuring system brought to this project:

  • assembly with Flexijet 3D – 30 hours,
  • assembly using conventional methods – 160 hours,
  • time savings – 130 hours.

In addition to time and cost savings in measurement and assembly, Flexijet 3D provides the assurance that your planning, construction, and fabrication are based on reliable data. You can obtain millimeter-precise dimensions, accurate angles, and radii that are immediately available on-site during “measuring drawings.” Flexijet 3D ensures safety and professionalism from measurement to assembly.

Project participants:

Contractor: Leif Lewerenz, Vancouver 

Client: Private investor

Flexijet 3D offers many advantages for your measurements:

  • Measurement is performed by a single person.
  • There are no incorrect or forgotten measurements, errors in number entry, or transmission.
  • The need for template creation becomes unnecessary.
  • Measurement without limitations: 360° vertically and horizontally, even vertically downwards.
  • Easy to use, without complex tripod alignment (automatic leveling).
  • Direct calculation of area and volume.
  • Interface integrated with many CAD programs, possible integration with CNC manufacturing.





Final result


Do you have space that needs to be measured?

Whether you have a more or less complicated space that needs quality measurement, or you want to be able to measure your clients’ spaces independently – we can offer you a whole range of services:

a) you can contract a 3D measurement service with us,
b) we can also offer you the service of designing furniture, technical preparation for
production, creating programs for CNC machines,
c) you can also buy a Flexijet device from us – with all its software and hardware accessories.

We invite you to contact us for more details about our service and products – we will be
happy to provide you with all the necessary answers.